1995.2023 Publication

Publication 2023-1995

2021. Paardenbaai book. Stories on the Blue Horses. Art in public space.  Powered by Unoca, PBCFCG, and Gen Air.
2020. A-Z of Caribbean Art. Publisher Robert & Christopher, Trinidad and Tobago.
2020 (16 Nov.) Yellow Talks on contemporary visual art. Interview on project Blue Horses. Yellow directory book. Celebrating Caribbean Culture. Interview by Lou-Ann Jordan, St. George’s.
2015. “Paradise Park”. Powered by Unoca, PBCF, Gen Air, FE. Text by art curator Renwick Heronimo.
2014 (27.12. 2013 – 14.3) Tropisch Koninkrijk  Kunst van Aruba, Curacao,St.Maarten, Bonaire, Saba en St.Eustatius. Deze uitgave is ter gelegenheid van Museum de Fundatie en Maarten de Jager. Text Dr. Adi Martis. https://framerframed.nl/en/blog/tropisch-koninkrijk-hedendaagse-kunst-van-aruba-curacao-st-maarten-bonaire-saba-en-st-eustatius/ 
2012. Bienal Aruba. Prome encuentro di arte contemporaneo di Caribe y Aruba.
Mondriaan Fund,Unoca, PBCF and Fundacion encuentro prome bienal di Aruba. Curator Dr. Jose Manuel Noceda Fernandez.
2012. Rosea nobo. Caminda pa e prome encuentro Bienal di Aruba. Curator Dr. Jose Manuel Noceda Fernandez.
Powered by Fundacion Insight, Mondriaan, Unoca,PBCF, Kultura.
2009.(30.10.-6.11) Separating Myth from reality/Status of Woman Kathmandu, Nepal. Work light text of ‘I always thought that everyone is the same’ Powered by Prins Claus Fund, Mondriaan Fund, Suraya Nepal, ICCR/Indian council for cultural Relations.
2019.(6-25.9.). Volume magazine. Archis , amo,c-lab,mit.ISBN9-789077-966-Article page 160-project only beautiful words,media installation, Beiruth.
2007. Lebanon, Beirut. International platform ‘Public space’ case study with architects, urban developers, designers, artists, Studio Beirut, Archis, Partizan Publik, Pearl foundation, University of Amsterdam/ACS – Amsterdam Center for conflict studies.
2003.“Iconofagia”. Teor/éTica art + pensamiento.8 va Bienal international de Pintura de Cuenca curated by Virgunia Perez-Raton and Tamara Diaz Bringas, powered by Prins Claus funds. Invitation by curator Jennifer Smith.
2004.(12.4-10.6.) VIII Bienal De Cuenca- Iconofilia. www.bienaldecuenca.org, ISBN-9978-92-309-8.
Powered by Banco del Pichincha, Diners Club International.
2003.(22-28 Septiembre ) “Deslocamentos”-14thFestival De Arte electronica/VideoBrasil.
Curator Solange Oliveira Farkas.Texto Charlotte Elias y Christopher Cozier.
(2006-2002). ArtistLINKS. This book creates a sketch of 60 creative projects place in China and England, 90 artists over the past four years. Powered by British Council England. Project Gasworks,Triangle Art  Trust International workshops Robert Loder London and Ye Yong Qing Kunming. Artwork “Butterfly dance”.
2003-2002. Case studies Triangle Arts workshops and residencies. Project Watamula 2000. Lijiang China workshop (2003). Powered by Prins Claus Fund, Hivos, Arts council England.IBN 0954578783 UK 2007.
Text by Robert Loder, Alessio Antoniolli, Lorna fray, Mitch Albert.
1999. Arte-Beeldende kunst van de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba/Dutch Caribbean Art/ Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen. Curator and art historian/text by Dr.Adi Martiz and Jennifer Smit, Tent Centrum Beeldende Kunst. Blz.124-125.
2001. ARCO ’01. 20thInternational Contemporary Art Fair. Madrid, Spain. Article page 16 and 19. Project rooms”Some islands”. Curators Octavio Zaya,Rosa Martinez,Yuko Hasegawa.
1997. Septima Bienal de la Habana. Centro Contemporaneo Wifredo Lam/Consejo National de las Artes Plasticas. Nelson Herrera Ysla, Jose manuwel Noceda Fernandez,Antonio Zaya. Powered by Prins Claus funds, Hivos, Art world of Suiza.
1998.(6-25.9). Caribe Insular- Exclusion,Fagmentacion y Paraiso
1998.(19.6-25.)MEIAC-Museo Extremeno e Iberoamericano de arte Contemporaneo, Casa De America Madrid. Comisarios-Ma Liuisa Borras, Antonio Zaya. Concepto Antonio Zaya.ISBN 84-88490-05-4, patronisador Union Europeo.
1998. Kunstbeeld magazine #6. Pagina 44-45. Geschreven door Wouter Welling, de Grote Rijkdom aan Smaken.
Kunst op de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba.
1997. Sexta Bienal de la Habana, Cuba. Curator Evelino Fingal, Instituto di Cultura Aruba.
1996. The Mystery of the Soul. Powered by Artimo. Text by Hester Alberdingk Thijm, Gijs stork. Powered by Artimo foundation

Collaboration selection interview publications by local tv intervieuws by Tess Pietersz, Tele Aruba, Local newspapers, The News by Margareth Wever,Diario by Jossy Mansur, Dagblad, Amigoe di Aruba, Bon dia Aruba/Aruba by today Benjamin Romero, Awe Mainta, Island Temptations by Rona Coster, Aruba nights, Ambiente, Kwihi inflight magazine, Air Aruba inflight magazine, Hola, Focus, International newspapers ‘The New York Times, La Prensa, Amigoe di Curacao, The news Barbados, Volkskrant Netherlands, Het Parool Netherlands, International magazines Art & Leisure, inflight Air Aruba creative souls by Jenny Bronson,Small Axe issue 6, The art news Santo Domingo, Ocean Drive Miami 2001 magazine.