New Project
Project ‘Birds of Paradise’. Funded by Mondriaan Fund, a Dutch public
fund for visual art and cultural heritage.
(Grand Artist Basis/Kunstenaar Basis 2023-2027).
Contemporary art projects (1995-2025)
Cooperative relationships
FE-Fundacion Eterno, Mondriaan Fonds, GENAIR, National Archaeological Museum Aruba, Historic Museum Aruba, Community Museum Aruba, Culturele Unie Aruba (Unoca), (ATA)-Aruba Tourism Authority, TPEF Aruba, Foreign Affairs Aruba, Cas di Cultura, Plataforma, Stichting Rancho, Gouvernment of Aruba, Directie Cultuur Aruba, (PBCA)-Prins Bernhard cultuur Aruba,VNO- Vertegenwoordiging van Nederland op Aruba, Unesco, Nationaal centrum voor sociale ontwikkeling – Cede Aruba, Eterno Studio Gallery, Sinfa Kunst Gallery San Nicolas, Insight Kunst Gallery Aruba, Access Kunst Gallery Aruba, Kunst Gallery Bloemhoff Curacao, Spiral Art Gallery Barbados, Art Foundry Trinidad, Perez Art museum Miami (PAMM), Gowanus Art Loft Brooklyn New York, Art Museo Del Barrio New York, Museo Arte Contemporaneo Maracaibo Venezuela (Maczul), Museum Lia Bermudez Maracaibo Venezuela, Centro de Bellas Artes Maracaibo Venezuela, Centro de Arte Contemporaneo Wifredo Lam Habana Cuba, Moderno Kunst Museum Santo Domingo, Internationale de Pintura de Cuenca Ecuador (VIII Biennial), Associacao Video Brasil” Brasil, Sao Paulo, Rietveld Academy Amsterdam, Mondriaan Fonds, Prins Bernhard Cultuur Fonds, Dutch Culture, Museum de Fundatie, De Tent Gallery, Africana.org, De Appel, Magazijn/Salon, Theater Museum, Amsterdam, Imagine IC Zuid Oost Bijlmermeer, Centraal Museum Utrecht, Gallery Torch Amsterdam, Institute voor Cultuur Amsterdam, Kasteel keukenhof Lisse, Archis, Partizan Publik, Pearl foundation, University of Amsterdam/ACS – Amsterdam Centrum voor conflict studies, Kunstvlaai, Historisches und Volkerkunde Museum St. Gallen Zwitserland, Triangle Arts Trust, Gasworks, Arts Council, British Council, Artist Links London, Arco Fair Madrid, Museo Extremo Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporaneo Badajoz Espana (MIEAC), Casa de las America Madrid Spain, Siddhartha Art Gallery Kathmandu Nepal, Studio Beirut Lebanon.
Arte Contemporaneo. Fundacion Eterno is a contemporary art foundation established in 1996 and re established in 2003. The foundation purpose is to make contemporary art visible national and international. A main project was Eterno Studio Gallery, J.G. Emanstrtraat 92, Oranjestad Aruba. The first Contemporary Art gallery, an alternative space in centrum of Oranjestad, from (1994-2002). Founded and financed by contemporary artist Osaira Muyale and with generous support of cultural National and International foundations and prestigious institutions. Directed by Osaira Muyale and Renwick Heronimo and in collaboration with local contemporary artists, art curators and art lovers. Studio Galleria Eterno was conceived to host contemporary art and artists on the island of Aruba and within the greater Dutch Antilles region. From the moment of its inception, Studio Eterno served as a significant link between the local and international artists. Eterno has filled a tremendous cultural gap between the island and Europe. It served as an alternative contemporary art center for the artwork to be presented without censorship. Studio Eterno supported and nourished artistic freedom, imagination and innovation. Strategic Objectives in its 8-year history. In the dawn of a new century, Eterno is well known within the region and was continuously being recognized in the international art scene. Currently, the future advancement and cultural development of the island rests greatly on the shoulders of those artists living, teaching and working on the island. After all, a society is known and appreciated most by its progress in the arts and culture. The Gallery’s efforts have enriched the lives of those artists in Aruba and touched the lives of many. The presence of an art entity such as Eterno had endorsed Aruba’s commitment to the contemporary arts and cultural development and placed Aruba within a distinct group of destinations. Eterno has proven its value, validity and authority on the contemporary arts in Aruba. For years it provided a space for statement. This cannot be measured in a simply way, it can only be supported. After all, a society that supports its creators and innovators is a one that is destined to advance and succeed as a whole. As a result, the working artists of the island took the initiative in creating Eterno Contemporary Arts in 1993 to serve as a venue for exhibiting contemporary visual and performance arts by local and international artists. During the last 8 years, Eterno functioned as a pillar for the artists to lean on and an immense resource for art historians, art critics for research and for the general public to learn about the arts. In a sense, Eterno became an irreplaceable motif of the cultural mosaic of the island. At Eterno, the new ideas were nurtured. The artists that have exhibited at the space have shown their works in international biennials and in solo and group exhibitions. In the year 2000, Eterno held a symposium for 4 days during which two different international curators and museum administrators were invited to hold lectures and workshops. During open discussions, the subject matter ranged from architecture and contemporary art museum.
Projects/expositions (1995-2002). Studio Galleria Eterno. J.G.Emanstraat 92, Oranjestad Aruba.
(1995) Solo expoisition ‘Mystery of the Soul” Osaira Muyale. Curated by international Dutch art curators. Book supported by Artimo foundation and Posters by Unoca. (1996) Group exposition ‘Encuentro’ with local and international young Artists at Amsterdam Manor Resort and catalogue sponsored by Aruba Bank and FE. (1997) Group exposition “Invasion” at Cas di Cultura (1997) Solo exposition ‘el Silencio‘ international invitation participacion Biennale of Cuba, curated by international Cuban art curator Dr. Jose Manuel Noceda Fernandez. Invitation was made possible by Institute of Culture. Catalogue sponsored by Directie Cultuur Aruba and Aruba Bank. (1998) Lecture presentation on Art & Society by Dr Dimitry Halley. (1998) International lecture Trinidadian artist and curator Chris Cozier. (1998) Lecture on Butoh by international Argentinian curator Norma Di Primo, (1999) Solo exposition Ecuadorian artist Diego Bravo. (2000) presentation documentation on 50 years at 50 feet, Luis Paris III, cataloque by Aruba Bank. (2000) Invitation exposition ‘Flattened toad Force’ by Remy Jungerman. (2000) Exposition ‘Hopi druk’ by Dutch Artist Harald Vlugt. (2000) Lecture on ‘British Contemporary Art’ by international British art curator Kevin Power. (2000) Lecture on, “American Modern Art” by art curator Elvine Topac. (2000) Lecture and photo presentation by Journalist Arjan Stada of int’l artist workshop’Watamula’ on Curacao, organised by Aruban, Caribbean and international artists. (2000) exposition ‘laterna Magica’ by international Dutch artist Ida Lohman. (2001) Participation Eterno studio gallery at Arco Art fair Madrid Spain. (2001) Exposition ‘trouble Shooting’ of 10 young artist and graphic designers. (2001) Exposition ‘zeemeermin’ by international Dutch artist Susanne de Graaf. ( 2002) Neon Text installation project ‘ Only Beautiful Words ‘at Lg.Smith Blvd 30 “I always thought that every one is the same’ sponsered by GenAir and Fundacion Eterno.
Projects/Expositions (2003-2025). Studio Osaira Muyale, Stadionweg 23 Oranjestad, Aruba.
(2003) International workshop by Triangle Trust Robert Loder and Sir Anthony Caro China – “Yunnan”. (2004) exposition at South End Gallery San Nicolas Aruba. (2005) documentary film “translator” community work in Las Piedras Venezuela, powered by Gen Air. (2005) ‘Non Ego red Dress’, a invitation on a Dutch community based work. (2005) project Only beautiful words, interview light text installation at L.G.Smith Blvd 152. I ‘count my blessings’ powered by Gen Air. (2006) Collaboration with Sinfa – San Nicolas Foundation for the Arts. (2007) Solo exposition “ welkomme to fruchtenland by Osaira Muyale. (2008) Collaboration project with Sve Tv and Dutch Kunstwerver (2008) Preparation concept project www.allinclusive-aruba.com. (2011-2025) Solo exposition ‘ Paradise Park’. (2015-2025) New website www.osairamuyale.com. (2015-2025) New website www.fundacioneterno.com. (2015-2025) Art in public space ‘Paardenbaai powered by FE, ATA, TPEF, Unoca, Mondriaan Funds, Government of Aruba, Gen Air,PBCF. (2016) Website www.paardenbaai.com powered by Tiara Air. (2016) Book Paradise Park powered by Unoca and Gen Air. (2016) Book Paardenbaai powered by Unoca, PBCF, Gen Air. (2016) Exposition ‘the Bleau Garden’ during Aruba Art fair San Nicolas Aruba, powered by GenAir. (2017) Established (sleeping foundations) Paardenbaai foundation, MAMA foundation-Modern Art Museum Aruba, powered by GenAir. (2018) Solo exposition ‘a Dutch woman’/ a sea of dreams’ at Antiguo Templo de San Isidro La Sabana de Maracaibo. (2017-2018) (28 October2017-28 May 2018) exposition ‘Mare Nostrum’/a sea of dreams‘ at Maczul Museo Arte Contemporaneo Zulia, Maracaibo Venezuela powered by Mondriaan Funds, Unoca, Gen Air. (2017) Mantainance exposition Paradise Park. (2015) Mantainance ‘Blue Horses’ project Paardenbaai by Gen Air and FE-Fundacion Eterno. Mantainance ‘Studio Osaira Muyale’ a work space and presentation of contemporary art works, collaboration with Osaira Muyale and GenAir. (2023-2027) New project ‘Birds of Paradise’ Grand by Mondriaan Fund.
Contact adress.
Stichting Fundacion Eterno – FE /Arte Contemporaneo.
Bank Account: CMB Bank accno.23854703
Stichting Fundacion Eterno. Chamber of Commerce: foundation no. S664.
Address: Stadionweg 23, Klip/Mon Plaisir, Oranjestad Aruba.
E-mailing : fundacioneterno@yahoo.com. Tel:(297) +594 5031.